
dc51 avatar image
dc51 asked

How can i control a Smart Switch RF 433Mhz with my Victron Cerbo GX?

Hello Community,

See attached photo. What do I need to buy and configure so I can control these Smart Switches which run on RF 433Mhz through my Victron Cerbo GX?

Thanks in advance,


cerbo gx
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2 Answers
dc51 avatar image
dc51 answered ·

Bump - can anyone help?

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Alex Pescaru avatar image
Alex Pescaru answered ·

Hi @dc51

For sure those switches have some remote controls.

A simple way to do it is to dismantle the remote and use the GX relay to "simulate" the button press on the remote.

Problem is that you have at least 3 switches - as seen on the picture - and the GX has only 2 relays.


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dc51 avatar image dc51 commented ·

Thanks for reply Alex. Is there another piece of hardware i can get to receive the RF commands from these switches and accept these through the Cerbo or other Victron device as I have a total of 9 smart switches I would like to be able to control through the Victron touch screen / app? Thanks again.

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Alex Pescaru avatar image Alex Pescaru dc51 commented ·

I am not aware of any RF capable devices, sorry.

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