
bjscheue avatar image
bjscheue asked

VM-3P75CT not found by Cerbo

Hi all,

I am currently finishing a new ESS installation with three MP2 5000, a Cerbo GX, mixed AC+DC coupling and a VM-3P75CT. Everything seems to be working quite fine so far, but the Cerbo doesn't find the VM-3P75CT, which is quite far away from the rest of the system and connected via Ethernet.

Both devices are in the same (wired-only) Ethernet. Both obtain IP addresses via DHCP without any issues. I can ping both devices without packet loss and with the expected low local round trip times <1ms. In Wireshark I can see the periodic MDNS messages of the VM-3P75CT, announcing its presence on the network. But still no trace of it on the Cerbo.

I therefore also checked with Victron Connect. Victron Connect can see both the Cerbo and the VM-3P75CT. The latter also shows plausible measurement data in Victron Connect.

Victron Connect offered an update for the VM-3P75CT, which I did. It now reports being at firmware v1.06 with Bootloader v1.04. No improvement after the update.

Does anyone have an idea where to look or what to try? Thanks! :-)


cerbo gxvm-3p75ct
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3 Answers
andrii-podanenko avatar image
andrii-podanenko answered ·

You need to upgrade you Cerbo GX firmware to latest one

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bjscheue avatar image bjscheue commented ·

Thanks for the hint. Strange, because I am certain that I triggered a Cerbo GX update very early during my installation. But anyway, seems it wasn't up to date, and certainly that did the trick. :-)

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andrii-podanenko avatar image andrii-podanenko bjscheue commented ·

also to upgrade meter firmware - there are some issues fixed

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ldoes (Victron Energy) avatar image
ldoes (Victron Energy) answered ·

Hi @bjscheue, if you can see the VM-3P75CT in Victron Connect, it means that the GX device can communicate with it.

Have you followed the steps under GX device monitoring on page 8 of the VM-3P75CT manual? You need to enable the VM-3P75CT under Modbus devices before it is visible in the device list.

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bjscheue avatar image bjscheue commented ·


thanks for the swift feedback. Yes, I followed these steps - as far as possible, that is. That's exactly where the problem is: The GX device doesn't show the energy meter. No Modbus TCP devices discovered on the Cerbo. A manual scan doesn't help either.

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Hi @bjscheue, is this system available on VRM? If not: can you make it accessible on VRM and enable Settings -> General -> Remote support so we can assist?

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bjscheue avatar image bjscheue ldoes (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

Hi! Thanks for offering to help remotely. I just tried to update the Cerbo GX as @Andrii Podanenko suggested, and that helped. The VM-3P75CT is doing its job now.

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dwmarine avatar image
dwmarine answered ·

Had exactly the same issue, agree with Andrii, this fixed it.

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