
mintu-ghosh avatar image
mintu-ghosh asked

Multiple CCGX


Have got a situation with an installation with EasySolar 48/5000 where customer wants to see CCGX display info on location of 30m away from EasySolar Installation.

Now can we use and connect 2x CCGX in a system where both will display same system info. If yes, how can we do this.


CCGX Color Control
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1 Answer
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi Mintu. No, you can't use multiple GX's, but you could network it into the web/lan and give him a direct link on even his bigscreen tv.

EoP over that 30m should work too. Even wireless..

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mintu-ghosh avatar image mintu-ghosh commented ·

Thanks mate, appreciated.

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