
packrat1969 avatar image
packrat1969 asked

Cerbo GX Venus OS V3.40 Console Issue?


I just updated my Cerbo GX from v3.33 to v3.40 and now find that I cannot reach my local console via the expected IP address. Venus.local doesn't seem to work either (though http://venus.local/app/ does). On the iPhone Safari and Chrome browsers I get a black screen with a message that the page failed to load. In a Windows 10 PC using Chrome, I get a white screen with hugely magnified black symbols. An exclamation point in a triangle, a bell, and a lock in a shield shape.

<I attempted to insert a 78K picture here, but that results in a "No Link in Upload Response" message even though I selected an image on my hard drive. Why is this a problem?>

If I scroll down, there is text and a field requesting a password and then a graphically reduced version of the console that seems to work, though very ponderously.

<I attempted to insert a 94K picture here, but that results in a "No Link in Upload Response" message even though I selected an image on my hard drive. This shouldn't be a problem.>

I used to get nearly a full-screen representation of the Console like this:

<I attempted to insert a 78K picture here, but that results in a "No Link in Upload Response" message even though I selected an image on my hard drive. WTF?.>

Also, originally, I did not have a password set for the Console on my local LAN. I do not if the page is asking me for a password or to set one. Why? It never did this before.

If I go to Settings/Remote Console I can verify that Enable on LAN is set on, and I've selected Disable Password Check (several times). There is a note to "Manually reboot the GX device after changing these settings". Following a change of settings and a reboot, the selected "no password" option does not seem to take effect to correct the wacky graphics and password field. I tried setting a password and that does work. Currently, the only way the console looks normal is if I access it through VRM. What am I doing wrong? What changed? What do the symbols mean?

I've returned my Cerbo back to v3.33 and the symptoms above are now gone. I can reload the console on my iPhone with no issues. I am at the latest versions of SetupHelper and GuiMods, but I don't suspect these to be a problem and have been using them for over a year.


Venus OS
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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·

Please remove all in-official software and try again.

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Fideri avatar image Fideri commented ·

Regarding the pictures, I sometimes get a similar (and "access denied") error. Trying again normally resolves the issue.


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2 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

There are some big changes in 3.40, if you have modded your OS like it appears you have, something may well not work right.

Best is to either stay on the older version, or remove all customisations, then update.

Unfortunately mods are not part of the QA cycle, so what works today, may not work tomorrow.

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pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

Just to add, if you are using 3rd party add inns such as GuiMods tjen changes to Venus OS can cause these to have problems, but the 3rd party developers can not update till t?he new release. Therefore, the best approach is wait a while after a new Venus release, check your 3rd party githubs to make sure they have updated, update your 3rd party add ins then update Venus OS. Your self assessment that these 3rd party add ins can not be responsible is wide of the mark.

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