
deralff avatar image
deralff asked

EVCS NS Wallbox no more working

IMG_0741.pngHello Victron Community,

I have been using a Victron Energy Wallbox (EVCS NS without display) for the past four weeks. My VW ID.3 has been able to charge with it successfully until this past weekend.

Since then, the wallbox has stopped functioning. The car displayed a message saying "Could not finish charging" and had only charged 8 kWh. In the Victron Connect App, the wallbox showed a "Low SoC" message when trying to start charging. Resetting to factory settings didn't solve the issue.

I updated the firmware from version 1.24 to 1.29, but now nothing works. The initial setup and WiFi configuration fail, and the Victron Connect App on my iPhone crashes. The car cannot charge, and no values are displayed in the app.

Has anyone experienced similar issues or can provide some guidance on how to resolve this?

Thank you in advance!

Best regards,



ev charging station
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2 Answers
deralff avatar image
deralff answered ·

Found a solution.

I downgraded the firmware from 1.29 to 1.28 to 1.27 to 1.26. Now the EVCS is working again :)

Thank you

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deralff avatar image
deralff answered ·

Nobody an idea?

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