
murphy avatar image
murphy asked

Easysolar MPPT ocillation

Some wierd issue with MPPT. Have around 6kW array connected(half of it towards morning and half to eavning. I mid day it may get full power from both banks. Ok it should go to 5.8KW and stay there. Instad it will go to 5kW and will drop to zero and stay there for a minute and restarts. If i disconnect half of panels it works. Cant find current limit setting in MPPT. Whats the catch?

EasySolar All-in-One
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1 Answer
murphy avatar image
murphy answered ·

I thjink i fixed it, seems like MPPT is an issue, set max charge current few ticks down from max 100A and it went stable. Why? No idea.
It seems to be common issue i saw in internet. Seems like this 5.8kW MPPT is more like 5kW

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