
maybelnellie avatar image
maybelnellie asked

RV Frig automation

Does the Cerbo itself allow full RV frig automation, allowing the switch between LP, gen activation or battery use? I have a standard 110v frig and full Victron system with 400 Ah of batteries and 800 watts of solar. I also have a Cummins LP gen. A Victron-preferred installer installed a simple relay to interrupt power to provide this automation which kept blowing fuses, which my RV dealer said was an incorrect install. My goal is to use the batteries down to 50%, whereby it then goes to LP. a secondary goal is to automatically run the gen to re-supply the batteries if the batteries get down to 20% (approx) and then re-activate the battery use for the frig. Any ideas?

cerbo gx
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2 Answers
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

RV absorption refrigerators come in AC + propane and AC + DC + propane configurations. You would have to modify the control system to provide the proper switching so what was being done to interrupt AC to the unit is probably the best. A simple relay in the AC feed to the fridge should work and should not be blowing fuses.

Cerbo includes logic to start and stop the generator as you have described. You may need a box to integrate the Cerbo's generator relay (closed to run, open to stop) with the generator's input if it doesn't accept that directly. One mentioned here is the Atkinson GSCM. There are several versions. Or you can DIY with a couple of "one-shot" relays. That's described in Victron generator start/stop documentation.

You would need something like Node Red to provide an output to control your refrigerator's AC input but it should be relatively simple.

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maybelnellie avatar image
maybelnellie answered ·

Thank you very much. The fuse issue has been a serious problem prompting me to eliminate (bypass) the automation before my last long trip. I even replaced the thermister, heating element and the board and still had fuse issues. Now, I have no issues on what is now back to a factory non-automated system going between LP on the road and dry camping and back to shore power changing campsites every 2 days or so, all in record heat. Given what you say is the proper design intent, I can only point to something in the automation install or its parts.Would you agree? Frustrating because one of the primary reasons for a expensive install was to travel safely with no LP on the road and conserving energy sources for when I really need propane on winter trips.

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