
albundy0815 avatar image
albundy0815 asked

Remote console triangle via browser Enter a new one on the device.


today I made a restore to a previous version 3.33 to check a behavior on my side. After the check I updated to 3.34 again.

When I now try to connect via browser (check with MS Edge + Google Chrome). Both are showing me a screen like this attached. Browser cache isn't the issue here. Tested with other clients as well.


When I'm connecting via VRM, the view is ok. I had a look on older issues and all of them are solved via a new version - but right now, there is no newer version available.

Any ideas how to fix that?

Venus OS
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home3131 avatar image home3131 commented ·

Same problem over here, didn't touch the software. It just happened this morming

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1 Answer
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

I've passed it on to Victron.

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