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mw-solar asked

Stop ac out 2 from discharging batteries

Can I set ac out 2 to not discharge the batteries on a Multiplus-II?

I want to connect a Zappi EV charger through the system so that the VRM registers the total consumption, but I don't want the EV to discharge the batteries?

ac out 2
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2 Answers
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

By default, the AC 2 output is active whenever the grid is connected at the AC input. Power assist would go active if the AC 1 + AC 2 loads exceeded the AC input current limit. The AC 1 and AC 2 output currents are not measured separately.

You could connect the EV charger before the Multi and insure the current probe is either not used or connected between the tap to the EV charger and the Multi input. This way the Multi would never supply power to the TV charger.

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sharpener avatar image
sharpener answered ·

Or if you want to for example to charge at night rate rather than waiting for there to be surplus PV, you can set a scheduled charge for the necessary period with a low SoC, that will prevent the battery discharging even if it does not actually do any charging.

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