
Christian Lindermann avatar image
Christian Lindermann asked

Dynamic ESS cannot be configured - Error 1520

Hi. Unfortunately, I can't activate the dynamic ESS function.

At the end of the configuration, I always get the "error 1520 - please try again in a few minutes".

I've been trying for several days now.

As there are already others with the error in the German channel, please let me know what this error means and how we can use the function @Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) thanks!

BTW. I've just updated the MultiPlus to the latest version and also the Cerbo to v3.33 in order to meet all requirements.


errordynamic ess
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5 Answers
jdc avatar image
jdc answered ·

Hi im having the same problem, tried using node red to enable the option but also showing errors.

Does anyone know if the ESS assistant needs to be updated under VE config ?

Cerbo GX v3.40~34

MultiPlus II 48/3000 Firmware v508


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Christian Lindermann avatar image
Christian Lindermann answered ·

I had already updated the assistant (as part of the MultiPlus update), but the error message still persists...

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jdc avatar image jdc commented ·
Thanks for that information. I've tried everything I can think of other than a full reset.
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Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy) avatar image
Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy) answered ·

We are looking into it. If I am not mistaken it has to do with punctuation symbol being either a komma or a dot.

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Christian Lindermann avatar image
Christian Lindermann answered ·

Good morning Dirk-Jan. Thank you very much for that!

We can rule out the point instead of a comma.

It is true that a point must be entered as a separator, but the configurator does not allow anything else. If a comma is entered, I don't even get to the next step.

I also thought there were too many decimal places, but a test with only two places after the separator was also unsuccessful.

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jdc avatar image jdc commented ·
I'm using Android Samsung Browsers I only have the option to to use a dot. I've tried the beta vrm same issue. Was and error about Dynamic ESS error code: No matching schedule available.
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Hi @Christian Lindermann , are you ok with me trying to reproduce the error on your site? I won't activate DESS.
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Christian Lindermann avatar image Christian Lindermann Barbara (Victron Energy) ♦ commented ·
Hi @Barbara (Victron Energy),

for sure. How can I assist?

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Barbara (Victron Energy) avatar image Barbara (Victron Energy) ♦ Christian Lindermann commented ·

Hi, we solved this error, could you try again?

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aui86 avatar image
aui86 answered ·

I am facing the same problem that the last step of configuration cannot be done resulting in the same error message. I tried using a dot as well as a comma, but commy is not accepted. Any recommendation to resolve the problem are welcome - thanks!

VRM Id: 48e7da897a27

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Hi, for you it should work now again (we reset your DESS settings)
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aui86 avatar image aui86 Barbara (Victron Energy) ♦ commented ·
Hello Barbara, many thanks for your support - DESS works now !
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jdc avatar image jdc aui86 commented ·
Working now for me too.
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jdc avatar image jdc jdc commented ·

Got past the settings stage now getting error

Gateway Dynamic ESS error code: No matching schedule available
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