
farmeroz avatar image
farmeroz asked

manually set charging from grid UK Octopus

Need for either (NO ESS) [-Quattro, MPPT 450/100, CerboGX, SmartLi]:

1) Simple way to manually switch on/off unconditional grid charging.

2) Preset a one-off time period when the system will unconditionally charge from grid.

I am pretty well off grid with a solar array and batteries that can just manage two very cloudy days. However I have noticed that these very cloudy days often correspond (due wind) to days when Octopus Agile pays me to use electricity. These are somewhat random but obviously I would like to take the opportunity to recharge my batteries and get paid for the privilege.

Its not worth my while to set up ess, particularly as the half hour rates and random nature of the opportunities is likely to cause unwanted behaviour as well.

I would be amenable to using and input powered by a (for example) timeswitch.

Anyone any suggestions?

battery chargingoctopus
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1 Answer
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Without enabling ESS, you lose most of the mechanisms that would allow you to do what you want to do. Ie scheduling or using nodered etc to modify system behaviour.

You could use the softswitch to force the inverter into invert only, and then use node red to schedule to flick it to charge only or On, so it reconnects to grid and charges.

This is best asked in the modifications section.

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Related Resources

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