
Ricardo Chavarria avatar image
Ricardo Chavarria asked

MultiPlus-2 LEDs can’t be Identified

Hello, I’ve had problems with my setup for the last week as displayed here. I’ve used the Victron Toolkit to figure out the LED disk play, but there’s no info for the current LEDs displayed on the MultiPlus

img-6345.jpegSolid mains, absorption and inverter LEDs

Any help would be appreciated.

img-6345.jpeg (2.1 MiB)
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1 Answer
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @Ricardo Chavarria,

This is a normal situation. There are many possible LED light variations in an ESS configuration that aren't all completely documented.

I will add these as time goes on, for now I was able to reproduce the code you describe as ESS in Optimised with BatteryLife enabled, in the absorption stage of the charge cycle. Not exporting or importing, and charging from the DC MPPT.

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Ricardo Chavarria avatar image Ricardo Chavarria commented ·
Thanks for your help!

It’s interesting that you mention charging from DC, as I have no DC charging equipment.

Would you be able to assist me with the issue I’m having of no critical loads being displayed? I mentioned it in the thread linked from my post.

Thanks again!

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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ Ricardo Chavarria commented ·
What I mean by DC charging there is that there isn't AC charging.

In this configuration the MultiPlus doesn't know if the DC MPPT is charging or not. It does know when there is a surplus for export though.

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