
juju1960 avatar image
juju1960 asked

What type of charger?

I have 4-100 watt Renology panels and 2-12 V lithium batteries and a 2000 Watt Renology Inverter.

I am just unsure of what type of controller I should use? Any suggestions?

(I've never done this before but I want to put them on my 6xx10 cargo trailer, but I used to take aircraft engines apart and put them back together so I should be able to do this.)

MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

That will depend on how you intend to wire the array, which in turn may depend on your solar conditions and a number of other factors. Have a look at Victron's MPPT Calculator as well as the free book "Wiring Unlimited" to start getting a good grasp of the factors involved; with extensive mechanical experience as you say, your detail orientation will be an excellent aid to learning about DC electrical systems!

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