
celts88 avatar image
celts88 asked

Multiplus II, how to run both AC1 & AC2 out from the batteries.


I've a fair amount of battery (1070Ah) & solar (2430kW) and with my Multiplus II want to use AC2 without the 240V in requirement, i.e. run both AC1 & AC2 from the batteries when offsite.

I can't see how to achieve this, and I'm currently stuck with only AC1 circuits being able to be run from the batteries.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Multiplus-IILithium Battery
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Fideri avatar image Fideri commented ·
Why don't you simply put all the loads on AC out 1?


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celts88 avatar image celts88 Fideri commented ·

I realise I can do that, but wanted to be able to run the AC2 as a spare for anything I connect externally outwith the van circuits.

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2 Answers
derrick thomas avatar image
derrick thomas answered ·

You can use an assistant to do this

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celts88 avatar image celts88 commented ·

Only way I know to use assistants is with veconfigure but as this is only Windows software and I use a Mac then I'm in limbo :(

Do you know of any other way?

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marekp avatar image
marekp answered ·

You can use an assistant with all its options, but you can also install a switch/breaker between AC1 and AC2 and connect them together when you want all your loads work from battery.

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celts88 avatar image celts88 commented ·

Are you saying I connect the AC1 to a breaker and out to a switch/breaker that supplies both the AC1 circuits and the AC2 circuits.

Is this not just the same as using AC1 for all circuits.

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marekp avatar image marekp celts88 commented ·
I am saying that you can connect AC1 and AC2 through a breaker and have all your loads powered the same as if they were all connected to AC1 only. This way you can go back to have them separated just by trowing breaker switch back to OFF position.
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celts88 avatar image celts88 marekp commented ·
Doh, don't know where my brain was, makes perfect sense - Thanks!!!
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