
Ricardo Chavarria avatar image
Ricardo Chavarria asked

Multiplus 2 - Not showing AC1 Out Load

Hi, after getting my system dialed in and working well for the last month or two, I came back home from a weekend away to find out there is something weird going on.

All of a sudden, the AC1 Out on the MultiPlus 2 is showing negative (or 0) load, which is very strange, as I have things connected on that output permanently (fridge, lights, WiFi).

screenshot-2024-07-01-183127.pngMPII AC1 Out goes to 0W

If anyone has an idea, please let me know, as I'm stumped...I've already restarted the whole system, my whole panel, etc.

Multiplus-IIgrid parallel
2 |3000

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ee21 avatar image ee21 commented ·

You do not have a PV inverter connected to AC-out? I am having a similar issue with a PV inverter on AC-out which isn't properly recognized so instead of calculating the AC loads it just shows 0, and a negative grid value.

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Ricardo Chavarria avatar image Ricardo Chavarria ee21 commented ·
No, I don't. My PV Inverter is on my AC-In, connected to both phases of my system, while my MPII is only connected to L1 of my system.
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1 Answer
Ricardo Chavarria avatar image
Ricardo Chavarria answered ·
2 |3000

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I had a look at your post history, and there is quite a tangled knot of configuration going on with custom Node RED scripts controlling charging behaviours and such.

It's a really difficult place to start if you want official support, and we can't provide it (nor can many people once you get to the level of custom external controls scripts).

If you want to start again from scratch, with a clean installation and default values, then I might be able to help, but I can't make any promises on that either unfortunately.

It's really the domain of a local installer with ESS experience in your specific installation type (split phase 120V grid parallel, AC PV on the input etc). It's not familiar to me, and there might be some issue we need to dig into on Victron's end, or it just needs to be configured correctly. I don't have enough experience with that setup to say from here.

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Ricardo Chavarria avatar image Ricardo Chavarria Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ commented ·
Hi @Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) and thanks for your answer.

I reverted all my NodeRED changes as I found a way of making the system work by setting a negative grid setpoint.

How would you recommend going about resetting everything back to default? I've called my local installer, they are trying to help but have not figured out what is going. It's odd that the system would work for a month + and then the critical loads value would drop to 0 all of a sudden, with no changes on my side.

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ Ricardo Chavarria commented ·
Consult the latest manual, it has a reset to factory process.
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