
superdave avatar image
superdave asked

Split Phase Unintentional Grid Feeding ESS

Parallel Split Phase Quattro 10kva (2 on L1, 2 on L2)

MPPT Solar Chargers, 1000ah total batteries (48v)

ESS mode Optimized without BatteryLife

Feed-in Excess is turned Off

Grid Setpoint at 500w

L1 seems to always consume much more than the set point, while L2 is in the negative. Our intention is to not back-feed the grid at all, and only use grid power when the batteries are low. Although the net grid power is being consumed, why is there such an imbalance between L1 and L2?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter ChargerESSsplit phase
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1 Answer
ee21 avatar image
ee21 answered ·

I believe the setting you are looking for is "limit system feed-in" I would recommend updating the firmware of your GX device to the latest, and using VRM Portal to update the ESS Assistant on your Multi's if you do not see this under your ESS settings.

As regards the imbalance between L1 and L2, that is most likely due to the distribution of the 120v loads on whatever panel(s) are connected to the AC-out of your Victron system. You may try moving breakers around and see if that helps.


screenshot-50.png (60.0 KiB)
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