
philburr123 avatar image
philburr123 asked

Do I need a temperature sensor for my set up?


I’m charging two AGM batts (520Ah total) with solar power through a Smart solar MPPT 100/30. I also have incorporated a smart shunt. My question is do I need a temp sensor from my batteries to the shunt or is the built in temp in my smart solar enough? What are the risks if I don’t have one? Temp varies between -30 Celsius to + 30 in the house where I keep them over the course of a year.

Thanks a lot

MPPT ControllersSmartShuntTemperature SensorAGM Battery
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1 Answer
pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

The temperature sensor in the MPPT registers the temperature at the start of the day when solar charging commences and then uses this temperature all day long. If the MPPT is located next to the batteries and the temperature of the battery location does not vary much then it may be OK. However, if the temperature varies in the battery storage area during the day or the MPPT location differs in temperature to the battery location then it is best to add a sensor and network the shunt and the MPPT. Personally, I would add one regardless.

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