
paul-f avatar image
paul-f asked

Resolve Missing SOC Data and AC Consumption

Hi all, my VRM Dashboard is recently missing Battery SOC and AC Consumption. I have looked at some of the previous posts and replies, but cannot relate any of the info as to why it is missing on mine.
It was fine around 3 or 4 months ago and I thought maybe it may correct itself. The firmware is up to date and looking on the Device List, all devices appear to be sending and being seen.

It is something that is of use to me so it would be nice to have it back.
Any pointing in the right direction will be appreciated.
Thanks, Paul

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

@Paul F

What GX do you have?

Does the information appear on the GX itself?

Is it a managed battery or is the soc data from another device like a BMV or the inverter internal soc?

Sometimes a simple reboot helps.

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1 Answer
paul-f avatar image
paul-f answered ·

Hi Aleksandra,

Thanks for your reply. In terms of your question "Is it a managed battery or is the soc data from another device like a BMV or the inverter internal soc?" I have absolutely no idea. :-) I inherited the system and am still on a steep learning curve.
However, the good news is you were correct and after rebooting it, the data is appearing again.
Thank you for your help.

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