
crichmon avatar image
crichmon asked

RPi Venus update destructive, wrong version

So, I've had the large 3.31 image running for a while and decided to update is to 3.33 using
The update worked, but... almost everything I'd done was removed or made inaccessible. It also looks like the original large image was replaced with the small image. For instance, gcc and make aren't available. So I guess I'm back to re-flashing the SD card and starting over. Ugh. Seems like some sort of backup scheme to be able to restore modifications is needed.
I tried to find an explanation for this, found mentions, but no links to the docs.

Thx, Chris

Venus OS
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2 Answers
bathnm avatar image
bathnm answered Ā·

@crichmon you will find a backup copy of the firmware. If you go into the firmware menu there is an option to boot the previous one. The entire root partition is replaced, so it is just the /data partition that is not touched by an upgrade. I suspect you need to provide a switch to the swupdate script to tel it you wanted large, using the firmware menu option allows you to specify large or standard image.

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crichmon avatar image
crichmon answered Ā·

Thanks! I did find the previous root version on one of the unmounted partitions and was trying to figure out how to revert. Your reply answers that question. I'll be more careful going forward; I knew better and ignored my own advice.

Thx, Chris

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