
Peter Buijs - NL avatar image
Peter Buijs - NL asked

EVCS touchscreen not responsive

EVCS touchscreen not responsive.

Reboot does not help

Power OFF/ON does not help

Webinterface and VictronConnect working normal.

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Can you give me a picture or video of the screen?
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Peter Buijs - NL avatar image Peter Buijs - NL commented ·
After connecting the EV the display is ON but no response to touching.

The EVCS is installed beginning 2023 and was functioning normal all the time. (till now)

Now it is not possible to control the EVCS with the touchscreen (what our normal procedure is)

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2 Answers
Peter Buijs - NL avatar image
Peter Buijs - NL answered ·

Nothing to see, the screen is dark and does not respond to touching

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·
Sounds like the display isn't connected internally.

Take a look inside the CS.

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Even at restart, it is dark? Or it works at the beginning and then not? I need more info, so I can understand if it's something that we can solve remotely or is a hardware issue
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Peter Buijs - NL avatar image
Peter Buijs - NL answered ·

After connecting the EV the screen display is like this, but the touch function does not work.

20240628-145519.mp4 (30.5 MiB)
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I will have a look

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Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·
can you check it now?
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Peter Buijs - NL avatar image Peter Buijs - NL Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·


What changed is that the screen in total rest is not dark any more, but that was intended to be dark because it attracts attention at night.

The touch function still does not work, so no possibility to start a session with the button Start nor the Mode or Charging current can be changed. (see Video)

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