
mkr avatar image
mkr asked

EVCS hangs on waiting for sun... zero-feed-in, Victron ESS


we have the following Victron setup and unfortunately a problem with the EVCS. "Waiting for Sun"

3x Victron MPPT450/200 => 30kWp solar panels
1x Fronius Symo Advanced 20.3 => 18kWp solar panels
3x Victron MultiPlus 48/10000 => 3 phase ESS, Fronius zero feed-in
20x Pylontech US3000C @Pylontech LV-Hub => 70kWh battery storage
1x CerboGX
4x Victron EVCS NS => Auto mode

For example, if a car charges with 11kW on an EVCS and the consumption in the building is 4kW, then the Fronius inverter supplies all loads. When the batteries are full, the Victron MPPTs shut down and only the Fronius works.

If cars are now connected to the other 3 EVCS, they do not start charging, but remain in the "waiting for sun" status.

If I switch one to manual, the Victron MPPTs immediately start up and supply it, then after a few minutes the other EVCS also start in auto mode.

If a cloud appears and the power on the Fronius drops and the existing loads are buffered from the battery, then the Victron MPPTs start up to charge the battery - here too the charging process starts in auto mode, but not otherwise.

In my opinion it is a bug in the system, because the system does not know from the zero feed-in that it actually has a massive surplus, it only has to request it. Actually, the wallboxes should start charging in this situation, then the MPPTs would start up and it is clear that there is surplus. If this is not the case, the charging should simply be aborted and tried again later.

The firmware version of all devices is up to date.

Perhaps you have a tip?

Regards, Marco

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2 Answers
Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi, check your email please.

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mkr avatar image mkr commented ·

Thank you for your support! It looks like it's working now! I'll keep an eye on it and if there are still problems, I'll let you know!

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falkon avatar image
falkon answered ·

I have a similar observation about this issue:

- IF the batteries are full, AND there is not enough AC consumption (including AC Load and/or potential feed-in back to the grid), THEN the MPPT chargers are throttled down (in "absorption" or "float" mode), thus producing only a little power, and thus EVCS in Auto Mode is "Waiting for Sun".

From my experimentation, the Auto Mode starts charging when there is at least ~650 W of solar production (with setting 'Allow Battery/Grid power for auto mode' turned ON).

Even though the EVCS starts charging (by accidentally "sensing" higher production thanks to the increased consumption), typically it is not utilizing the full solar potential because of the "poisioned feedback control loop":

  • EVCS in AUTO sets the consumption (the charging power) according to curent production
  • MPPT are producing according to current consumption (because batteries are full)

So little EVCS consumption leads to little MPPT production -> which leads to little EVCS consumption -> which leads to little MPPT production, etc.

This typically happens in off-grid systems (like I was testing on my site, and like you are observing in your system with disabled feed-in too.

I guess this can be easily fixed once it is identified as an issue in the firmware. One of the possible solution would be to add new options (option group), called something like this:

  • Allow fast battery discharge to 90% SoC[default: true]
    • Fast battery discharge SoC: [default: 90%]
    • Fast battery discharge power: [some value, e.g., 4000 W]

This may work as follows:

  • EVCS is in Auto mode, it detects car, and wants to start charging
  • IF Battery SoC > "Fast battery discharge SoC", THENstart charging at minimum power (6A)
    • IF Battery Power > (minus) "Fast battery discharge power", THEN increase charging current +1 A
  • IF Battery SoC <= "Fast battery discharge Soc", THEN revert back to standard Auto charging algorithm (i.e., adjusting the power to match production, or using Battery/Grid power for a set timeout
  • IF Battery SoC raises above "Fast battery discharge SoC", THEN switch to 'Fast battery discharge' mode (to drain battery safely back into the 'Bulk' region)

So, imagine the situation:

  • it is a nice shiny noon, batteries are already full, MPPTs are throttled back (off-grid system)
  • you connect your EV to the charger
  • According to "Fast battery discharge" procedure, the charger will start immediatelly to drain power (no matter if there is any immediate prodution or not), either from PV or from batteries. This will make nice and fast initial charging of the vehicle, and will pull batteries (and MPPTs) from Float/Absorption region back to Bulk region
  • Once the batteries are below its max (e.g., 90%), MPPT chargers are safely in the Bulk mode, trying very hard to harvest every Watt from PV panels -- and these Watts can be immediatelly consumed to charge the EV => and this is what we want :-)

I believe this simple procedure can be done, e.g., in the Node-Red flow (and I will probably try to implement it in the near future), but it would be very nice to have this feature implemented in a supported EVCS firmware, because as mkr correctly pointed out, the "deadlock" with full batteries and throttled-back MPPTs seems to be a bug.

Thanks in advance to the Victron team for considering this improvement.

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Hi, V1.29 will have low PV autostart. In few days we will release it.


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falkon avatar image falkon Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·
Nice! :)

However, this will probably not address/help with reduced charging speed (power) when batteries are full, will it?

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not sure what you mean
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mkr avatar image mkr commented ·


Thank you for your detailed answer. Victron sent me the beta firmware for the EVCS yesterday and my problem seems to have been solved. :-)

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