
Gerry Robins avatar image
Gerry Robins asked

VRM stopped real time data

Have an Easysolar 2 GX. Up until a fortnight ago VRM was working well. It has ceased providing real time data. Can only see solar output. & voltage using Victron Connect. I have reinstalled VRM from Play Store & also rebooted GX without success. Not sure what else I can do.

vrm bug
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5 Answers
Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

Can you make a local connection to the gx thru wifi or ethernet (gx ip adres) If so you can set/check 2 way communication in the remote console under settings - vrm

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Gerry Robins avatar image Gerry Robins commented ·
The GX doesn't have wifi so I connect through Ethernet cable.

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Duivert NL avatar image Duivert NL Gerry Robins commented ·
then wifi is turned off in the easysolar 2 GX because it does have a wifi acces point built in
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jetlag avatar image
jetlag answered ·

I'm observing the forum for this questions since about 2 weeks now, as I also had such a strange behaviour. Also some other guys asked for this problem, so I'm more and more sure that this might not be a local, individual problem any more.

In my case the VRM real time data just stopped by a sudden after month of not changing anything on the system and running without any problems.

What you can try is, to power cycle your GX device, mean disconnect DC & AC power completely and wait for 10s or so and then restart the system. This helped me the second time I faced such a problem the last two weeks.

The first time only a VenusOS firmware update (from 3.30 to 3.32) helped to solve the problem.

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Gerry Robins avatar image Gerry Robins commented ·

Rebooted GX and was able to get today info through so will see what happens tomorrow. Thankyou

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ejrossouw avatar image
ejrossouw answered ·

@Beenak is realtime updates under settings in VRM still enabled? On odd occasions when a GX device becomes "overloaded", it will disable the realtime updates with a warning. I have found this on my CCGX and exceptionally on my two Cerbos, particularly those with the older processor versions.

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Gerry Robins avatar image Gerry Robins commented ·

Switched real-time updates off / on after rebooting GX & now have data updating. Still trying to understand why it happened in the first place. Thankyou for your help.

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jetlag avatar image
jetlag answered ·

I'm using a Raspberry PI4 that is more powerfull then the original Cerbo, as far as I know. And I never had such issues till some weeks ago. With no obvious reason.

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ejrossouw avatar image ejrossouw commented ·

So the problem solving 101 question is what has changed? VRM updates, the app itself or something local to the user? Also why are there not many more similar reports if VRM is the common factor? (Maybe realtime updates are not that commonly used) I will also explore logging directly into VRM, not using the app to see if it works from another PC)

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jetlag avatar image jetlag ejrossouw commented ·
I also immediately checked the forum here to find if others also have this problem, and there was thread facing the same issue like me from end of May. So only ~10 days old when I faced this problem.

And then this thread here, maybe there is some bug, - either in VenusOS itself, or in the VRM (either server or app...) ?

Let's see, - I will follow this topics and maybe we can solve it togehter once. ;-)

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pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

Are people testing the Gui2 beta versions. Gui2 has a higher cpu load, therefore if you have an older GX device, lots of connected devices, running Node Red or custom/third party scripts then Gui2 may push you cpu load over the limit at which the GX device turns off real time updates.

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jetlag avatar image jetlag commented ·
At least I'm not testing anything new. I'm running a "small" system with one MPPT, one BMS, one MP2 and three energy meters and always using the official VenusOS without NodeRed.
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