
dries avatar image
dries asked

Can someone help me, looks like inverter is not working

img-9102.pngImage Captionimg-9101.png



I just bought a solar system, i dont have any experience. My electrician also doesn’t say he knows why it isnt working. I tried to restart everything and when i restarted the whole electricity turned off. Anyone knows whats wrong? Thank you

Generatorlow battery warning
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1 Answer
ejrossouw avatar image
ejrossouw answered ·

@Dries Looks like the system has not been programmed correctly or even at all so best to find an installer who can start by doing that or your batteries could be at risk. There is a low battery warning, which may be a good place to start as the system will likely be in passthru and why it appears not to work.

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dries avatar image dries commented ·
Thank you, so its best to find another electrician to come look at it? Because this one doesn’t know whats wrong. And im starting to lose the thrust
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Duivert NL avatar image Duivert NL dries commented ·
Hi you should contact a victron dealer that can help you with your setup, if your electrician doesnt know what he is doing there could be a lot of things wrong not only programming/ setting up but also with the installation itself
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Related Resources

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MultiPlus Generator FAQ

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 Hybrid Generators

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