
madwayne avatar image
madwayne asked

Connecting to Cerbo GX

Ive connected to my shunt and 2 controllers through the Victron Connect app, but the Cerbo connection is greyed out and says its paired to another phone. This is a new RV and new solar system and to my knowledge never been paired. Ive rebooted the phone and used the airplane mode, still shows greyed out. Any suggestions on how to get it unpaired with somebody elses phone that i have no idea who it would be? Is ther some kind of reset?

cerbo gx
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Do you have access to the cerbo.

There is one of two thing you can try.

1. Connect to the onboard hotspot of the gx and use the remote console that way (QR code and key is usually on the bottom)

2. Power cycle the gx and try again.

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madwayne avatar image madwayne commented ·
Ty that did the trick
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