
chrigu avatar image
chrigu asked

VM-3P75CT Possibility to daisy-chain on VE.Can

Is it possible to daisy-chain multiple VM-3P75CT trough their VE.Can while only one of them is connected over its Ethernet port to a GX device? Is the GX device able to receive information from all VM-3P75CT in this example?

Would spare the need to install a network switch in the panel if this is possible

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1 Answer
ldoes (Victron Energy) avatar image
ldoes (Victron Energy) answered ·

Hi @Chrigu, daisy-chaining the VM-3P75CT via VE.CAN is possible, but not in the way you suggest. The units don't aggregate data from each other and therefore one "master" unit will not be able to send data from the VE.CAN network over the ethernet port.

Why not daisy-chain the VE.CAN ports and connect to the GX device via VE.CAN?

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chrigu avatar image chrigu commented ·
I have a wireless access point close by that has POE in but also a single ethernet out, means i could use this port.

Using VE.Can directly to the GX device would mean pulling another network cable to the switchboard. But i guess thats the way to go then.


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