
groningen avatar image
groningen asked

victron vm-3p75ct CAN length

Dear All

I think I will be installing a VM-3P75CT meter at the consumer unit (grid entering house).

My Question:

I am thinking to use the CAN port for communication, but the CERBO will be +- 15 meters away from it. What is the MAX length for the CAN wire (using CAT5 or CAT6 wire) or would you recommend to use the LAN port as it can be handle lengths up to 100 meters?

I assume if LAN port is used then the MODBUS must be set in CERBO?

Any tip and tricks will be appreciated.

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4 Answers
ejrossouw avatar image
ejrossouw answered ·

@Groningen I do not see any reason why you cannot use the CAN with a cable of greater than 15m. Below is a very generic guide as to what is achievable with CAN in general. The one thing that may stop you in your track is the CT clamps are quite fragile and when you say incoming meter tails, I think 10mm diameter (25mm2) for a 100A supply considering mine in the UK and it simply won't fit over the insulation without a very high risk of breaking it apart.

Maybe first determine whether the CT's will fit!

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Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy) avatar image
Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy) answered ·

Fwiw I am using it with a cable of about 60 meters without issues.

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groningen avatar image
groningen answered ·


Ok, clear. Thank you very much for the hint regarding the ct clamps.

Side note, I would really like to pick your brain wrt smart ess and its capabilities or should I say necessity for the end users. I think the forcast on this topic is bright.

Baie Dankie / Dank je wel

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ejrossouw avatar image ejrossouw commented ·

;) Bly om te kan help. I am unfortunately not familiar with the dynanic ESS as the UK energy supplier offerings in this regard is at best still very limited and proprietory to even get me interested.

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groningen avatar image
groningen answered ·

@Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy)

oke leuk

bedankt voor de feedback Dirk-Jan.


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