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sven386 asked

Replicate VRM's ESS Dashboard


I am new to Victron and have a MultiPlus II GX with PV connected on AC-Out.

I do send the PV power and energy statistics using PV to MQTT and do the same with P1 (p1-to-mqtt).

So all the statistics are present into the Multi/GX device and it is sending it to VRM.


In VRM there is a wonderfull ESS/Energy dashboard presented. And because of my interests in data analytics and machine learning I would like to replicate this dashboard (at least readout all the numbers). From there I would like to make my own calculations and schedule the Multi. Just because of my interests..


So I do archive all these statistics (InverterToACOut, acin1toinverter, ..) from Multi/MQTT to InfluxDB and started to calculate values for GridToCunsumption, SolarToGrid, and so on in Excel.

Some of my values are nearly the same, but not all of them.


I hope you can explain me how all the values in the VRM ESS Dashboard are calculated and what all the formula's are. Or maybe you can point me to some documentation or pieces of source code?

MQTTvrm advanceddynamic essdashboard display
2 |3000

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