
ddventer avatar image
ddventer asked

Inverter Temperature Sense Error

img-3327.jpegEverytime I turn on my Inverter I get this error and the Cerbo starts beeping. Once I read the message, the beeping stops. Everything is working, can someone help me figure this out?


Temperature Sensor
img-3330.jpeg (3.1 MiB)
img-3327.jpeg (4.6 MiB)
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1 Answer
dc-marine avatar image
dc-marine answered ·

First thing I would check is making sure your temperature probe is connected with the right polarity to the right ports. You didn’t mention which inverter you have nor posted a picture of the connections, but I know it’s easy to connect to the wrong port or reverse polarity if not paying attention during assembly. If you have more than one inverter/charger then the probe should be connected to the master unit only.

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Related Resources

Victron temperature sensor disambiguation table - which product supports which sensor