
vanguy avatar image
vanguy asked

Mandatory firmware update required but will reset settings

I'm doing a first install of my MultiPlus 2kVA 120V. When I open the VictronConnect app, it says that a firmware update is mandatory to continue, but that doing so will reset all settings to factory defaults and that only a trained Victron technician can program it. When I purchased the system, it was pre-programmed for my 200 Ah system. If the firmware update is mandatory and resets all settings, what was the point of pre-programming it if I'm not able to redo it myself? Otherwise, it seems that any time a mandatory update is needed, I would have to take it to a trained pro. This makes more sense when you need to make changes to your system, but not for the initial install. Thanks for any help.

firmware update
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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented ·
This really seems to be a deadlock in the VictronConnect environment.

Most devices don't reset to factory defaults on a firmware update but it sounds like the Multi/Quattro may.

Forcing a firmware update really needs to be relaxed at least so that the current configuration can be saved for restore after the firmware update.
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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ Kevin Windrem commented ·
Save and restore the settings while updating a VE.bus device with VictronConnect is currently in beta testing.
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3 Answers
sean avatar image
sean answered ·

I suspect this is a question for your dealer/supplier given that they'll have (at your request) provided it preconfigured ?

Access to training is here

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Use VE.config to make a backup of the settings, apply the update and use VE.config to restore the settings.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

Something is not making sense here.

If it is preprogrammed why are you connecting to it with victron connect? There would technically be no need.

The unit should have been updated by the supplier and programmer of the system if that was the agreement.

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vanguy avatar image vanguy Alexandra ♦ commented ·
I wanted to be able to use the app to change the shore power amperage when needed, and turn the inverter on/off.
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jperez (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
jperez (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

MultiPlus/Quattro firmware updates are never mandatory in VictronConnect.

Which firmware version is your MultiPlus running? Only when the MultiPlus is running a very old firmware version will VictronConnect suggest an update due to compatibility reasons.

Could you share a screenshot where VictronConnect is asking for an update? We'll also need to know the steps you followed prior to reaching that screen.

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vanguy avatar image vanguy commented ·
Not sure why, but when I opened the app again today to take a screenshot, the "mandatory update" message did not appear and I was able to connect. I'll update this thread if the problem recurs. Thanks for your help.
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