
arran avatar image
arran asked

Easysolar 2 gx solar not switching on

New easysolar and pylontec us5000 x3

when looking at vrn portal, remote console section I can't switch solar from off to on. On initial solar connection friend managed after long fiddle with my phone. System switched off for transport but when switched on again solar switch off but won't change to on. Using android phone. Vrn portal and LCD on gx show panels connected, voltage etc but crucially solar OFF. Tried numerous times to switch on via remote console but no luck. Im only experienced with basic Mppt and lead acid. Can anyone advise something I could try?

EasySolar All-in-One
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3 Answers
Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

Did you follow al the steps in the pylontech setup guide?

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arran avatar image
arran answered ·

screenshot-2024-06-17-09-26-24-809-comandroidchrom.jpgI should imagine pylontec are set up correctly as it did work (after someone tinkered with my phone lots to get solar 'on') on set up. Vrn giving readings for batteries and it was charging by panels for days.

Just when switched off for transport and on again can't seem switch solar to 'on'. Inverter working, batteries healthy and showing on vrn, vrn shows solar voltage, just got one test 400watt panel on it at mo.

Just need to change the 'state-off' to 'on' as seen in picture.

At a loss with it.

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JohnC avatar image JohnC ♦ commented ·

Your PV Voltage there is only showing 35.08V. That's why it's Off. Look to why the V is too low.

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arran avatar image arran JohnC ♦ commented ·
Thanks to both above for taking time out to help. I've only got one panel 400watt on it to get it going as a test. I can add more if you think that would make it switch on. Is one not enough for now?
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JohnC avatar image JohnC ♦ arran commented ·


The mppt won't even attempt until Vpv (Voc) is >5V higher than Vbat. Then it will track to find Vmp, which must remain >1V above Vbat. 2x seriesed test panels in good sun might do it.

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arran avatar image arran JohnC ♦ commented ·

Thankyou JohnC. Makes sense, I'll pop another couple of panels on. Fingers crossed!

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arran avatar image
arran answered ·

Thankyou JohnC.

Adding just another panel has got it charging!

LCD screen now shows 'solar ESS' and wattage+voltage.

Remote console shows as pictured.

Is that all correct? Never saw the external control words before, just solar 'on'.screenshot-2024-06-17-10-21-52-970-comandroidchrom.jpg

I have further panels to add, just not made 'A frames' for them yet but can add them as is if required.

Thanks again for taking time to look at this.

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JohnC avatar image JohnC ♦ commented ·

The 'Ext Control' means your Pylons have taken charge. As it should be..

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arran avatar image arran JohnC ♦ commented ·
Thankyou JohnC,

Much relief gained with your advice.

You've earned your gold star already today and it isn't even lunchtime!

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