
Mihai Oltean avatar image
Mihai Oltean asked

SMA Sunny Boy and Victron Multiplus II


I have the following equipments:

- SMA Sunny Boy 6kW - already connected to grid.

- 12 solar panels of 485W, already connected to SMA Sunny Boy.

- Victron Multiplus II -48V, 3000kW

- Pylontech US5000, 2 pcs.

How can I connect SMA Sunny Boy with Multiplus so that the batteries are charged ONLY from solar power?

Thank you,


Multiplus-IIMPPT Controllers
2 |3000

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1 Answer
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·
1 comment
2 |3000

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1. I am aware of AC coupling (AC OUT of Multiplus 2 is connected to SMA AC).

But it is not clear for me what happens when the grid goes down for maintenance purposes.

In this case the SMA must NOT send power to the grid.

But since the AC OUT of Multiplus is connected to AC it means that it will send power to the grid. Is this correct?

How I avoid such case?

2. Are there other ways of connecting these 2 devices except AC-Coupling?

Thank you,


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