
Matteo Mannini avatar image
Matteo Mannini asked

Connecting Two Alternators to a Victron DC-DC Charger via a Combiner

I have a boat with two Evinrude E-TEC engines. I would like to connect both alternators to a Victron DC-DC charger while keeping both alternators separated. Can I use a Victron battery combiner with two inputs and one output to achieve this?

Cyrix Battery CombinerArgo FET Diode
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1 Answer
mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) answered ·

No, at least not within the warrantable use cases of the product for which we test and designed it for. I recommend to instead install two dcdc chargers.

From a more purely technical point of view: not sure. You’d have to build such system and test it thoroughlly. And prepare for discharged starter batteries, or broken DC DC charger or similar. And in case it does work, be extra careful after firmware updates

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