
cardy01 avatar image
cardy01 asked

Smart Battery Protect and Cerbo

I'm contemplating adding 2x Smart Battery Protect devices - one in the conventional sense to protect house loads from discharging the battery and one in "reverse" to protect the whole system in the unlikely event of a failure of the MPPT allowing PV voltage into the 12V system.

I have read elsewhere in Q&A that Smart Battery Protects cannot be managed by a GX device.

The alarm output feeding a buzzer or light is of little practical use when the system is unattended.

Is it possible to pass the SBP alarm signal to a Cerbo input? If so, has anyone done this and what is the best way?

cerbo gxsmart battery protect
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1 Answer
cardy01 avatar image
cardy01 answered ·

Not an answer ... but another question ;-)

Having installed the SBP on the output of the MPPT the output voltage of the MPPT rises to 16.4V and triggers an E4 alarm.

Is the voltage drop in the SBP forcing the MPPT to increase it's output voltage to compensate. Maybe a DVCC control situation?

Removing the SBP drops the output voltage to float.

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