
endurance avatar image
endurance asked

How to influence automatic Battery Monitor selection

in settings/system setup/batterymonitor you can either select a specific monitor or use autoselection.
Is there a possibility to influence the automatic selection sequence, means can I specify a primary monitor, secondary etc... by naming monitors accordingly?
I found a ticket with a similar topic explaining that the monitor is selected based on alphabetical order.. But I assume this includes the source path like CAN, serial (USB) etc as well - is there a more detailed explaination somewhere?
E..g. I have several serial monitors, use the Battery Aggregator and have a Lynx Shunt (ve.can) connected. I would like to ensure that first the BattAggreator is used first then the Lynx Shunt.

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2 Answers
Fideri avatar image
Fideri answered ·


I can't remember where but I read somewhere a Victron document that the other of priority is BMS first and then shunt. Nothing to do with the alphabet.


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Fideri avatar image Fideri commented ·
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endurance avatar image
endurance answered ·

hmm the serial BMS typically reflects one single pack only but BatteryA. & Shunt are overarching so would make sense to use them first.
Alphabet is mentioned in the ticket linked- but alphabetical order most likely includes the device path which should group dbus, can.... first.

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