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Robert asked

Orion 12-12 30A powered by 12/30A Bluesmart Charger. Voltage drop

Hello, in my trailer i installed a Orion 12/12V 30A Smart Booster

The Booster is powered by two sources.

While driving by my car or by a BlueSmart12/30A Charger.

After installing, and testing the voltage in the charger drops below 9V and the charger gets very warm.

Befor i try more settings, is there a major mistake in my installing or is the Orion too big oder the charger too small?

All parts runs with the newest firmware.

The cable between Orion and Battery is 40cm long and 6mm²

Between Charger and Orion 50cm and 6mm².

Attached my installation.

Unbenannte Präsentation.pdf

Best regards Robert

orion smart
2 |3000

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