
tabet avatar image
tabet asked

quattro charging problem bsl battery

whatsapp-image-2024-05-14-at-203834-2edc3f7e.jpgwhatsapp-image-2024-05-14-at-203836-ebd006d7.jpgHello everyone,

I have a Quattro 15kVA connected to a BSL lithium battery in an AC coupled system. The Quattro is programmed to charge the batteries with 80A DC, but it isn't charging more than 20A. Additionally, the inverter shows that the batteries are at 95%, while the actual battery level is 29%.

the ess is putted keep battery charge.

How can I resolve this issue?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Chargerbattery chargingESSbsl
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1 Answer
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·
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tabet avatar image tabet commented ·
yes all and i still have this problem there is a difference between battery soc and quattro reading soc

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ tabet commented ·
Then something in your configuration is off.

You most likely have enabled the internal battery monitor or not configured the BSL as one in the GX.

Respectfully, Most of your questions in various topics are quite basic and would be answered by thorough research or completing the online; free training.

Maybe consider getting your supplier, or a skilled installer involved, to help you:

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