
hans-schive avatar image
hans-schive asked

Multiplus 2 wont turn on

We have a multiplus 2 48/3000 connected to a BMZ ESS 7.0 48V Li-ion battery. The multiplus has 230V AC power supply and the battery supplies 54V DC, the MK-3 interface is connected to computer and the firmware has been upgraded, however when switching on the multiplus nothing happens. No diodes light up and the computer cant find the inverter.

Additionally we've connected a CCGX with RJ-45 to the multiplus and a VE.Bus to CAN Type B Cable is used to connect the ESS to the CCGX.

Since we can't get any communication up and running we're not able to proceed with the configuration. Perhaps something was set to not allow the multiplus to switch on due to connecting the CCGX to the poles of the BMZ battery for Power Supply. If so how could we reset the Multiplus II inverter to begin over following all the steps in the manual?

Thanks in advance. All insights are greatly appreciated :)

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Chargerbattery chargingESS
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frank-ster avatar image frank-ster commented ·

i have a new multiplus II 48 / 3000 and similar issue, it wont turn on or do anything, i cannot communicate with it nor update the firmware.

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8 Answers
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

Lets start at the basics

Dont connect anything except the battery to the MPII

and you have turned the On/Off switch to Position 1 ON after the battery isa connected

the MPII should then start nothing else connected (if it does not then plug the MK3 in and connect it to the computer and configure the com port in the ve config software)


plugged the MK3 directly into the MPII and connected it to the laptop and then to VE config and check you can see everything

after the above

do the firmware update to 459

then connect the CCGX and make sure it all works

if the above does not work then please take some photos and post them here of the system setup,

Or it maybe better to contact the company you purchased it from for some local help

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hans-schive avatar image hans-schive commented ·

Hi Paul, Thanks so much for you response. It seems, in fact, that there is an issue with this MPII, we were able to connect another MPII and get it turned on right away. The faulty inverter will be sent back to Victron. Hopefully they can figure out what's wrong. Thanks again, and kind regards.

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Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

I presume you have unpluged the CCGX and everything else from the MPII

if not try that,

it would be best to make sure its on the latest FW 459

also reinstall the Fw again if it does not fire up

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hans-schive avatar image hans-schive commented ·

Hi Paul, thanks for the quick reply. We've unplugged the CCGX, and removed the fuses in the battery. The MPII is not showing up through the VE.Config, the config tool is finding the MK-3 device, however when attempting to auto detect for the port selection there's nothing, that way we're not able to update any firmware. MPII seems completely dead. Do you know of any way to reset or achieve communication with the MPII?

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hans-schive avatar image hans-schive commented ·

Answered above :)

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greendrake avatar image
greendrake answered ·

I just had this problem with MultiPlus-II 48/5000/70-50. It started after the battery (BYD LV) got drained flat overnight and so the system shut itself down.

After that that I turned it on in Charger Only mode (the power switch has 3 positions: OFF, ON and Charger Only) and charged the battery back to almost 100%. However, I still could not switch it back to ON mode. Even when disconnected from everything but the battery (outputting 53–54V) and turned ON, nothing would happen. No indicators, no sounds, no AC output voltage.

Here is how I solved it:

  1. Turn the power switch to Charger Only mode, wait until the indicator lights up.
  2. Quickly switch it to ON so that it does not stay in OFF position at all. Profit!
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georgebester avatar image
georgebester answered ·

mp2 5000,with ess , despite full batteries, mppt supplying power, 1676294358608.png but after grid lost wont turn on via vm remote or switch to inverter.

its happened a few times and after grid connect the mp starts normally

the mppt power is also very low for this time of day

1676294358608.png (39.8 KiB)
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georgebester avatar image
georgebester answered ·

When I unplugged rj45 modbus of mp to ccgx it switched on . So the ccgx, mppt or lynx shunt is telling the mp not to turn on

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georgebester avatar image
georgebester answered ·

IS THIS POSSIBLE AS, sorry for shouting, the battery is 99% SOC so even when there is not grid the MP should turn on with the Rj45 in or out ./ Perhaps The MP is faulty and should be returned for a new one . Hopefully that will get Victron's attention

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mmulvenna avatar image
mmulvenna answered ·

I have the same issue mp ii won't power on and nothing is connected to it. Multimeter at the battery connections at the mp ii shows 12.5 volts. It powered on yesterday so I was able to do the firmware update but no joy today. I only have the AC out connected. AC input is not connected as I am waiting for a new Power Watchdog surge protector.

Any input is greatly appreceiated.



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mmulvenna avatar image
mmulvenna answered ·

Disconnected batteries and left unconnected for a while. Reconnected batteries and all is well.

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