
cc5084 avatar image
cc5084 asked

Cerbo GX Communication

I'm going to connect a bmv-712 smart, MPPT 100/30, muliplus 3000W inverter, and Orion XS to a cerbo GX. I am going to configure each component to be compatible with a lithium battery. Is there any additional programming or parameter changes that I will need to do with the cerbo GX in order for it to communicate with everything properly? Or, does it simple automatically communicate information when a component is plugged in?

cerbo gxMPPT SmartSolar
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Usually it is straight communication plug and play. (If you get the ports right - watch the rj45 ones )

For your chosen components it will be anyway.

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cc5084 avatar image cc5084 commented ·
That is what I figured but I just wanted to get a second opinion to be sure.

To follow up on that question, do you know what all is being communicated exactly? I know roughly that it is basically the state of charge of the battery, and the current going in/out for charging/discharging. Is there anything more in depth to it or is it pretty simple like that.

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