
uweschnorr avatar image
uweschnorr asked

MultiPlus firmware not upgradeble?

We've got a 3 year old MultiPlus on our boat, which was installed by rßthe former owner. The device is Firmware version 147. In the VRM it shows me, that it is not upgradeble. Error 1342. Now I tried to do an offline upgrade but even that fails without any error.
What do I need to do, to upgrade the device to version 1909209?


Need to add following details:

- RaspBerryPI 3b+ with VenusOS large 3.31

- MPPT 75/10 v1.64

- Multi Control Device for the Inverter

firmware update
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6 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

That device is definitely older than 3 year, I guess it is almost 10 years old.

You need a MK2 or MK3 interface and use VEflash.

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uweschnorr avatar image uweschnorr commented ·

I have an MK3 and tried already with VEFlash over a Notebook, that is not powered by the Inverter. The MCD was disconetcted for the flashing and the Pi3b was powered by an "UPS".
I always stuck at the change from Part 1 to Part 2. I never got the windows Part 2.
BTW: I am not a professional, but I saved all settings in a file and by screen shots of the VE software.

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ uweschnorr commented ·

Zu 99% ist das ein Fehler, der vor dem Rechner sitzt.

Ich habe sicher schon hunderte MultiPlus/Quattro mit VEflash geupdated und so lange das Gerät an sich noch funktioniert funktioniert idR auch das Update.

Man muss das wirklich Schritt für Schritt so machen, wie es da steht.

Gibt dazu auch ein Video:

Schreibe ggf. mal mit deinen Worten, was genau du machst, oder mache ein Video.

Klemme am besten auch alles vom Multi ab, außer den Akku und den MK3.

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Dušan Klofutar avatar image
Dušan Klofutar answered ·

I also have similar equipment as you, if it works fine, it does not need to be updated to avoid possible malfunctions. The files are otherwise on the page


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uweschnorr avatar image uweschnorr commented ·

My idea why I would like to update is, that there are assitants in the new version on the one hand and on the other hand I plan to extend the system with a second MPPT (100/30) for two additional solar panels. I hope that the funtionalety in regards of the co-existance between Inverter and MPPT got better in the new firmware.

By now I have: 12/3000/120 MultiPlus, MPPT 75/10, new (not implemented yet) MPPT100/30, VenusOS RPi 3.32, Argodiode Battery Isolator for 3 Batteries.
Further planned is a Victron Shunt to get better system values.
Is it really not werth to upgrade the system?

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Dušan Klofutar avatar image
Dušan Klofutar answered ·

If you really need assistants,then you really need an update.When I wanted to update my system, Johannes Boonstra from Victron advised me to stay on the current version to avoid irregularities,if the Multi works perfect with old 19... firmware.if you are going to add another mppt to the existing one, and both are smart, connect them to the built-in smart network so that they can talk to each other when charge the battery,adding smart shunt is good idea,for displaying all data on Rpi.This is my off grid system in my cottage,working great for 6 years...


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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

The first 4 numbers after HQ in the serial number will tell us when it was made. This may give more clues about how to update.

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Dušan Klofutar avatar image
Dušan Klofutar answered ·

This is my Multi...when it was made?


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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·

2012 week 38

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Dušan Klofutar avatar image
Dušan Klofutar answered ·

And chip number.


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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
@Matthias Lange - DE should be able to say what'spossible with software updates.
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