
solaralex avatar image
solaralex asked

Easy solar configuration


Will this setup provide power to both the Main DB and Backup DB from the battery? Ive been told that the AC IN on the EasySolar can send power back to the Main DB if the backup DB isn’t using full capacity, but not sure if this is correct.

Also, would MCBs be needed between the main DB and EasySolar? Would these work if the power is being sent both ways from the EasySolar?


What I want is for the inverter to power as much as possible across both distribution boards but when mains power is unavailable only the backup DB receives power from the battery.

Thanks in advance.

EasySolar All-in-One
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1 Answer
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Yes, but not wired like this.

Assuming from the pics you're thinking of an EasySolar II GX

Grid to AC in

Backup DB to AC Out 1

Main DB to AC Out 2

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solaralex avatar image solaralex commented ·


So with the AC Out 2 going back to the main DB this will provide battery power to the Main DB so long as the grid is active? I read this in the instructions:

AC-out-2 A second output is available that disconnects its load in the event of battery operation. On these terminals, equipment is connected that may only operate if AC voltage is available on AC-in-1, e.g. an electric boiler or an air conditioner. The load on AC-out-2 is disconnected immediately when the inverter/charger switches to battery operation. After AC power becomes available on AC-in-1, the load on AC-out-2 will be reconnected with a delay of approximately 2 minutes. This to allow a genset to stabilise.

The bit that confused me was "in the event of battery operation" I guess this means when the grid goes down?

It's unlikely the critical loads on AC Out 1 will ever use the full capacity of the ES2 so I would like the excess to go to the Main DB to power non-critical loads as much as possible, but then when the grid goes down only the critical loads on AC Out 1 remain powered by the battery.

Thanks again.

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Duivert NL avatar image Duivert NL solaralex commented ·

@SolarAlex The bit that confused me was "in the event of battery operation" I guess this means when the grid goes down?


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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ solaralex commented ·
In normal operation, all AC output is from the grid. This is supplied to both outputs. If total demand is greater than the grid input limit, power assist kicks in and supplements grid from batteries. But when the grid fails, battery power drives the inverter.
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solaralex avatar image solaralex kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·

Is there no way to use the batteries before drawing from the grid? I want to utilise the battery power first across both AC Outputs (priority given to AC Out 1) and then drawing from the grid if demand is higher.

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ solaralex commented ·
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solaralex avatar image solaralex kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·

Thanks, the diagram in my opening post I thought was an ESS system in parallel to the grid, at least that's what I thought anyway. The image below mentions "optimise self-consumption and, if required, to prevent grid feed." the way I understood this was that the EasySolar would monitor the grid with the power meter and send power where needed to "optimise self-consumption" and then stop sending power to the non-critical load side when it detected grid feed, but based on both diagrams it would seem that the Easy Solar can send power from the battery back down the AC IN connection to the grid side which will power the Non-critical Loads unless the grid fails in which case only the Critical Loads will receive battery power.

I just want to make sure that the battery is being used first, before anything is used from the grid, for both critical loads and non-critical loads, as much as possible.


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Duivert NL avatar image Duivert NL solaralex commented ·
yes thats basically how ESS works, but you need an easysolar 2 GX for that normal easysolar dont work
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solaralex avatar image solaralex Duivert NL commented ·

Sorry, I should have said I have an EasySolar-II 48/5000/70-50 MPPT 250/100 GX.

So will the diagram in the opening post do what I am expecting and utilise the battery as much as possible to reduce drawing from the grid and only draw from the grid when total loads exceed the capacity of the EasySolar?


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