
jpad62 avatar image
jpad62 asked

Small grid tie inverter - From battery power

I have a grid tie instalation with separate MPPT/AC battery charger for a 24V UPS backup system. During normal operation the backed up loads are fed directly from the grid, which leaves the battery system idle until there is an outage. At that point, the protected circuit switches to Solar / battery power.

I would like to use the idle battery storage during the night to backfeed a small ammount of power to the grid to cover the base load of the house. it would be great it this inverter could also double as a UPS, but not stricly nbecessary. As I understand there are some inverters which are able to do this, but they all seem to be in the multi KW range / 48V system.

Is there a suitable product to do so?


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ejrossouw avatar image ejrossouw commented ·

@Jpad62 While you can very much run an ESS on any Multiplus, they don't all have the necessary redundancy on e.g. ACIN relays to be certified for use as an ESS on a grid supply. This will depend on where you live and the local rules for "feeding energy into" (read synchronise with the grid) your household supply from power generating equipment.

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Michelle Konzack avatar image
Michelle Konzack answered ·

Not correct, because this is the smallest MultiPlus 24/500/10-16 and the biggest is the MultiPlus 24/5000/120-100.

If you want the MultiPlus-II, then the smallest is the MultiPlus-II 24/3000/70-32 and the biggest MultiPlus-II 24/5000/120-50.

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