
4711austria avatar image
4711austria asked

possible to deactivate "Solar charge current control" ?


is it possible within a ESS mit BMS via Can to deactivate the setting.

DC coupled feed in to to grid is active.



cerbo gxrs450
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Limit charge current is not active during feed in even with a can battery.

See the ESS manual here.

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4711austria avatar image 4711austria commented ·

Thx, but why is the RS450 not powering all time then, and should this setting show Off?

I have a second ESS installation without an RS450 and there it shows off.

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dognose avatar image dognose 4711austria commented ·
There is a tiny Detail NOT mentioned in the docu:

When you have multiplus AND Mppts, the charge limit set in DVCC wont be active for the MPPTs, because obviously you want to run them at 100% in order to Feed In - but the batteries may consume additional Amps then.

The connected multiplus however will respect the setup chargelimit and only charge the "missing amount" (if any).

For example:

I've set a chargelimit of 160A, which equals what my both MPPT can deliver.

In case there is only 100A provided by the MPPTs, the multiplus will "add" another 50A from the AC coupled PV.

When the MPPTs provide the 150A, the multiplus will not charge anymore, leaving the AC coupled PV left alone for a 100% Feed-In to the grid (or any other consumption)

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ dognose commented ·
The on off status may be related to the battery type?
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4711austria avatar image 4711austria dognose commented ·
Thx, ESS, MPPT RS450, DC coupled feed active

The principle is clear to me, the RS450 should always run on max power and not needed power should be fed to grid, but it does not. Sometimes standing on -11W for hours.

I am searching for the correct settings to stop this behavior.

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