
Chris de Voogd avatar image
Chris de Voogd asked

Multi RS solar 48/6000 completely dead

System is with 10kWh batteries and probaly due to failure of 1 battery the system shut down completely. ( low batt. voltage)

The multi-RS will not start up at all ( completely dead) anymore after battery repair. Display is black. Remote on/off jumper is present.

There is grid AC and battery power (50V) available on terminals.

Anybody has any idea?



Multi RS
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5 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·
What kind of battery faliure? Did it short out?
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Chris de Voogd avatar image Chris de Voogd commented ·

SOC dropped suddenly to 0%. Voltage read 2.9 volt! Ater disconnecting 1 battery, voltage reading was 51V again. Probably something wrong with BMS in the batteries. Separate batteries measured all 12.9 V.(?!) but when connected in series, it dropped to 2.9V. But why couldn‘t I not start he Multi RS?


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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ Chris de Voogd commented ·

And they aren't connected to the system in any way except other than battery cables?

So they system only knows voltage?

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Chris de Voogd avatar image Chris de Voogd Alexandra ♦ commented ·
Not to my knowledge, Cerbo GX and BMV700 gets power from the same battery. I can disconnect all and try.
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klim8skeptic avatar image klim8skeptic ♦ Chris de Voogd commented ·

@Chris de Voogd Probably something wrong with BMS in the batteries

Could it be that the 12v battery BMS is not rated for use in series?

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Alex Pescaru avatar image
Alex Pescaru answered ·

Disconnect solar, battery and AC Out.

Connect only AC in.

It should start from the power switch and the display should light-up with information.

If not, I believe it's defective.

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Chris de Voogd avatar image Chris de Voogd commented ·

I will try

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Chris de Voogd avatar image
Chris de Voogd answered ·

But the system should get power from some source for the electronics. I think that should be the battery power.

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Alex Pescaru avatar image Alex Pescaru commented ·
Yes, the system takes power from either the battery or the AC In.

As you've had an event on the battery side, then maybe it will be wise to check if it works powering it only by the AC In.

Believe me, when I've purchased my Multi RS, this is how I've checked its functioning, by powering it only by AC In. It should start, the display should work and also the bluetooth connection with VictronConnect should work.

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Chris de Voogd avatar image
Chris de Voogd answered ·

Still no result, tomorrow I have appointment with Victron Service Center.

But thanks anyway for respons.

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Alex Pescaru avatar image Alex Pescaru commented ·

Hi @Chris de Voogd

I am curious, which was their response?



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Chris de Voogd avatar image
Chris de Voogd answered ·


I visited the Victron service center and they connected the RS on a 51V power supply. No problem. Probally my batteries created the problem.

I aquired new Pylontech batteries, together with Cerbo GX and a special Ve-can cable and everything works great.


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Alex Pescaru avatar image Alex Pescaru commented ·

Glad it's solved. Have fun!


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