
manus avatar image
manus asked

Cerbo GX overload in VRM

Hi All, I have an GX in overload message for the last week now. How can I solve it?


I have this message coming on when I log in on vrm. I have tried rebooting, power cycles and changing firmware. Noting worked. I can login directly to the remote console via the excess point but can't see a problem there.

I also tried disconnecting all devices (2 mppt, shunt, tempsensor and ac meter). After power cycle still no change.

Could you please help me figure out how to fix this problem.

cerbo gx
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2 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

What modifications or customisations have you made to this system?

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jetlag avatar image
jetlag answered ·

I had exaclty the same problem tow days ago. Suddenly the VRW stopped showing data with this warning message. I did not change anything this day. The last change in the system was month ago when I updated VenusOS to version 3.30.

And although I have a Raspberry PI4 with (much) better performance then the CerboGX, the problem was caused by the RasPi itself. I observed, that also the Remote-Concsole in the local network was also restarting frequently and was not running stable any more.

I tried to restart the system by soft-restart and power-on restart, but this did not help.

Then I tried to do an Firmware update to the latest official version, the 3.32. This immediately solved the problem. The system is now working as expecetd again for, at least, one day.

Don't know if the 3.30 firmware was buggy, or if some memory overflow caused the problem. Hope to have it fixed with the update... let's see. ;-)

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