
Henry Pieters avatar image
Henry Pieters asked

CerboGX V3.31 remote console and VRM communictions failure on WiFI - IP or DHCP issue?

Following recent update to official V3.31 on CerboGX, experiencing issues with Remote Console not working and communications to VRM stopping after about 24 hours following a WiFI router reset. Used to experience the same issue with previous versions around, but v2.7 worked OK. I have found that simply preventing CerboGX from accessing the router ("Blacklisting") for 5 mins fixes the issue for about 23 to 24 hours, then CerboGX gets stuck again. I now have the router switching off WiFI each night for 5 minutes at 00:00 and CerboGX carries on after re-establishing its IP address (always the same, BTW). I believe this may be a DHCP issue or perhaps some or other buffer in CerboGX that gets full.

I checked the Information Knowledgebase some weeks back and noted that others were seeing exact same issue and that Victron Energy support was looking into this. Cannot find the page(s) now. Perhaps this will aid them in hunting for the source of the problem.

firmware update
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1 Answer
lifeingalicia avatar image
lifeingalicia answered ·

Have you reserved the IP address in DHCP? No fixed IP in the system?

Also you could extend the lease time of IP.

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