
nicovkampen avatar image
nicovkampen asked

Solar forecast production still totally off.

@Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy) I have 2 AC coupled SMA inverters registered in VenusOS. One 5Kw and one 8Kw. Most of the time i have only one active in the system (the other one is then switched to a different PAP/SAP). When this is the case i turn it off in VenusOS by setting it not visible (i do not delete it). Might this be the reason why the forecast is always wrong (by more than a factor 2)? Is setting it not visible the right way to go, or do i need to delete it completely (awkward when i want to switch or activating both)?

The last 24 days i did not make any changes but solar forecast is still way off (as much as i was 24 days ago.)

vrm bug
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