
mattoesaurito avatar image
mattoesaurito asked

Cyrix-ct and different battery types

Hey there. I have a cyrix-ct between my starter AGM battery and my leisure AGM battery.

I'm planning on changing the leisure battery to Lifepo4, I found some good deals of 100ah with BMS. Can I use the same cyrix-ct? Or won't be compatible for charging the lithium one while driving?

Cyrix Battery Combiner
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1 Answer
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

You'd want to use the Cyrix-li-ct in that case rather than the regular -ct, as the voltage thresholds are adjusted in the -li-ct to accommodate the higher resting voltage of LFP batteries.

I'd alternatively suggest investing in a proper DC-DC charger instead, to both protect your LFP battery from overcharging/overvoltage possibility from the alternator as well as to protect the alternator itself from being over-stressed, but depending on the rest of the system that might be a bit of a process to convert over to, so that's between you and your installer to determine in the end.

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