
David avatar image
David asked

Multiplus II 48v 3000 or 5000 max charge voltage?

I'm looking at using a Multiplus II 48/3000 or 48/5000 with a bank of Nissan Leaf cells.

I was hoping to run in 16S - which would get me to a final voltage of 4.12v per cell so 65.96v total. I notice this is just under the Max DC input limit of 66v.

However, I'm not sure what the charger can charge to? Can it go this high or will I need to drop to 14S

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Rob Duthie avatar image Rob Duthie commented ยท

Hi Slimf

I would run with 14S as this works perfectly ,as i run and use the 14S Nissan leaf cells with a BMS attached as well. As 14S is the perfect voltage to use with the Victron Mulitplus2, as this is what i have. Much easy to integrate than the Telsa cells.

And to date no issues recorded it just works well.


Rob D

New Zealand

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David avatar image David Rob Duthie commented ยท

Thanks - This was the answer I was after. Damn, I have 32 modules, so am going to need to find another three so I can do 5P. Got any over there you want to ship to NSW Australia?! My modules are testing at around 350wh - so bit of degradation since new in 2011.

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Rob Duthie avatar image Rob Duthie David commented ยท


Yes but the cost shipping with raw cells would be difficult. As you know because they they are Lithium, everyone runs scared, and charges are exorbitant.

4P will be OK until you find another 3 cells.

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4 Answers
Tom avatar image
Tom answered ยท

Have a look here

This set up uses the Leaf battery and a 48/5000 Quatro.

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David avatar image David commented ยท

Thanks - I have seen that before.. I can see they are recommending 14S as well. I suppose that answers my question hey :-)

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sean avatar image
sean answered ยท

I have approximately 140kWh of Leaf cells attached to a number of MPII in parallel - 16s - Batrium etc ....

Max charge voltage of the MPPTs, and the MPII is 64v - which equates to 4v/cell.

4.12v/cell will lessen cell longevity.

65.96v is rather to close to the MPII max voltage.

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raff-celis avatar image raff-celis commented ยท
Hey Sean! Looks cool, Can I ask what BMS are you using and where you get it?
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sean avatar image sean raff-celis commented ยท
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larsea-dk avatar image
larsea-dk answered ยท

Hi Rob

Im struggling finding out how to set my settings in the multiplus 2 for my 14s nissan cell setup. Would you share your settings?? I have set my jk bms to control my mppts. At the moment they are set to charge to 57.4volt which is 4.1v(pack is not yet equal and is between 4.08-4.13 when voltage is 57.4v)

Im from Denmark so of course need to set grid to Denmark.

Thank you very much in advance

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Rob Duthie avatar image
Rob Duthie answered ยท


As per attached system settings.

New Text Document.txt

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larsea-dk avatar image larsea-dk commented ยท
Great, thanks. I'll take a look to check I understand it :-)
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