
squowse avatar image
squowse asked

Remote install of package manager?

I want to install TailwindGX

Package manager seems to be the way to do this.

I'm assuming I need to be physically near the Cerbo to do this by USB/SD or by SSH command prompt?

I am on VenusOS large v3.30. Unless updating will help? Beta?


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2 Answers
matt1309 avatar image
matt1309 answered ·

I'm not familiar with tailwindGX.

However you can ssh into the gx device. Instructions for enabling that/root access are here:

See section 3 on the below link:

Venus OS: Root Access [Victron Energy]

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dutchsolarfreak avatar image
dutchsolarfreak answered ·

The latest version of SetupHelper has TailScaleGX as a standard package available.


No need to ssh into your CerboGX to install TailScaleGX

SetupHelper installation instructions can be found here

(you need physical access to your CerboGX)

Thanks @Kevin Windrem

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