
lorettaboy avatar image
lorettaboy asked

SOC reads low but batts are fully charged.

System has been working great but my SOC is always dropping despite my batteries having a full charge. I'm using the charge settings direct from the manufacturer. I have 2 6v golf cart Batts. Any ideas?1000017646.jpg1000017645.jpg1000017644.jpg

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2 Answers
pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

I do not know your batteries but I am yet to see a 12V system with absorption at 15.3V are you sure this is correct and you are not damaging your batteries from over charging and now they self discharge. Do they need water adding if they are wet batteries. The other thing is on the shunt settings, set the charged voltage to 0.2V below absorption to avoid getting the SOC synchronising to 100% before the batteries are full.

Finally, do you have the charger negative connected to the load side of the shunt. The only thing connected to the battery side of the shunt should be the battery.

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lorettaboy avatar image
lorettaboy answered ·

Water levels are good. My dealership installed the solar setup so I will have to investigate the shunt setup. Here is a link to my battery specs:

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